These are few and far between since having a tiny baby. Well, usually about 5 nights apart now when Sailor Man has duty. He'll be coming home later tonight so I best get out all my jumbled thoughts before then so I can head to bed with him when he does get in.
Just put Little B down for bed a while ago and my precious boy is no fuss no muss once we sing our lullaby and say our prayers. I thank God each and every day for our little boy. He has brought so much joy to our lives and I can't imagine not being his mommy. Even when the screaming for no reason fits set in...I wouldn't have it any other way without him.
The past couple of days have been crazy with him seemingly trying to begin to speak. New sounds are emerging from his tiny mouth and I'm on pins and needles when he gets into his element and just says all of them. I wait ever so impatiently to hear mama or dada come out in the most precious voice ever. He pretty much said daddy today but since I couldn't get him to do it again I told Sailor Man it didn't count ;) He's becoming more and more balanced as we stand him up and let go of him. He'll be walking soon. He's been army crawling for a couple months now and just 2 days ago on the first Sunday we went to our new church he straight out crawled like a big boy all over the place. I thought he was fast on his belly, he's like super man fast on all fours haha!
I'm sitting here with a dopey, lovey, mommy look on my face just thinking about all the sweet and precious things he does every day that no one gets to enjoy like I do. I'll never take for granted the little smiles, happy squeals, batting eye lashes or the "shake your noggin's" he loves to do now. This little boy has my heart wrapped around his tiny little fingers and I have never felt so much love in all my life.
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