Monday, July 1, 2013

Baby Logic 101 Lesson 4

Find endless joy in watching mommy search high and low for that missing flip flop. It's not her fault she doesn't know the best place for storing shoes is in the backrest of the computer chair.

Baby Logic 101 Lesson 3

When you open a small box and find awesome trinkets, such as paper coin roll wrappers, instantly find somewhere else to put them. Mom's shoes make a great new spot.

Baby Logic 101 Lesson 2

Anything that even slightly resembles a spherical shape is, in FACT, a ball. Regardless of what mommy calls it, it IS A BALL! I do not know what a globe is a ball. What is that fuzzy thing you call a peach? ...because that is a ball and I will climb onto the couch and try to take it off of your plate 50 times while repeatedly telling you it is a ball....not a peach. The thing you call a balloon is also a ball. Watermelons, cantaloupes they are all balls. Your words mean nothing to me.

Baby Logic 101 Lesson 1

The most reasonable place to put the refrigerator magnets is IN the refrigerator next to the salad dressings.


Where on earth has the time gone? I remember vaguely my last posting about how any day now B could take his first real steps. That was almost 3.5 months ago now. He's very much walking and babbling on and on. His first steps came on a Sunday and a few minutes later he finally uttered his first word "mama", then I kid you not, later that day came "dada." For the longest time he didn't say mama again but man oh man has he not stopped saying dada ever...or daddy as it now is. He's grown so much. By his first birthday he knew and could baby pronounce 10 words. He's walking and almost running now and he has learned to throw...everything. He's so spunky and I feel he's going to be a funny guy, trying to make people laugh and he'll love to laugh as well. I bet he'll be a prankster, and a definite charmer. He's also going to be a handful, boy does this little being have a big personality. I love him so much each and every day, more and more. I pray every day for him, thanking God for this amazing blessing. He's recently begun doing crazy things that I've conveyed into my facebook statuses as "Baby Logic 101" I think I'll begin writing them on here as well, as a safe keeping for myself and everyone's enjoyment into the little insights of what must be going on inside that noggin' of his. I'll quickly upload the first 4. Enjoy!